Mp3 Download song Down Man That Follows Hell FREE Mp3 Download Song Lyrics. Down song lyrics

Down - Man That Follows Hell Lyrics

I do one thing, I do it well
It takes up most of my time
The advantage is beyond me
This curse behind my eyes

My dead disguise don't work so well
Transparent to the world
But in my heart, if it bothers me
I'd kill myself and curl

I'm falling far from the sun
Lucifer's calling on ears that need some now
I gave my life to this and it's fooled me oh so well
The name they've given me is a man that follows hell
A man that follows hell

To live outside a city of grief where the quiet becomes pain
The human mind, and it's hard to believe, is the knife that splits the brain
Some may say I've got it made, what's all the crying for
It's a mirror I've got, a reflection of my loved ones out the door

I'm calling out to you all
Lucifer's falling, so far down
I gave my life to this and it fooled me oh so well
The proper term for me is a man that follows hell
A man that follows hell

A man that follows hell
A man that follows he
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